
The Hotel(s)

We have tried our absolute best to find hotels that work for everyone, something that is affordable, clean and simple. We have found 2 accommodation options that can facilitate all of us together in one central location with a 2 minute walk between them.

Option 1: Premier Inn Maidstone (Sandling)

Our 1st choice of accommodation is the Premier Inn: located in Maidstone, just off the river Medway.

The hotel has a variety of different rooms, including accessible rooms and family rooms and most importantly has a bar right next to the river!!

It is worth noting that there is a multitude in the area, so when you come to book for the wedding please make sure you follow the below link for the ‘Sandling’ Hotel!

Booking is now open, just follow the link below to get started.

Book a room

Option 2: The Village Hotel Maidstone

Located just two minutes walk away from the Premier Inn above, The Village Hotel offers more additional rooms at respectable pricing and also boasts a restaurant and bar within.

We have both personally walked between the two hotels and it took 2 minutes and 27 seconds!

Again, booking is available already for the dates of our wedding so please do book now before the prices increase.

Book a room



On the morning of the wedding, the meeting point for all guests will be next to the Premier Inn, as it joins the river. If you are staying at The Village Hotel, please leave enough time to walk round and make sure you are there on time!

What dates to book?

We are staying at the Premier Inn on the evening of the 10th, 11th and 12th of August 2022. We may stay on the 13th also, but we are as yet, undecided.

The night of the 11th, (the night before the wedding) we will be eating upstairs in the Beefeater and you are more than welcome to join us. Please let us know on the RSVP if you would like us to book you a table.

We will eat about 5:00pm to 5:30pm, but food is available from both the restaurant and at the bar until 11pm.

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