A special day that starts with you all

We are delighted to be able to have our closest family & friends join us to witness us say "I do"


We are still very early on in arranging exact timings for the day but please see below how we see our day unfolding.

The Morning

The morning of the big day will start at the hotel, where Will will be with his best man & page boy, whilst Suzie will disappear early with her bridal party to get ready at the Castle.

This leaves everyone else plenty of time to get ready, have breakfast, catch up with other guests & rush to annoy the parents to iron the shirts!

We have linked below the Breakfast menu for the Beefeater, for you to browse in advance, if you want to eat there. Having visited ourselves, we know the breakfast tables get booked up quick, so book early to avoid dissapointment!

Breakfast Options

Getting to the Castle

Other than a select few guests, all day guests should meet by the river next to the Beefeater at 9:45am, ready for a short walk across the river and into transport (that bit’s a secret!) to take you up to the castle.

For the few select guests who are not comfortable with the walk, taxis will collect you directly from the Premier Inn at 10am.


Note on Transport


Whilst you may choose to drive yourself to the venue, we would really hope that you take advantage of the travel provided, as the Castle would be spoiled on the optics with too many cars turning up.

Once inside the castle grounds, access back to the hotel(s) is within walking distance should you wish to pop back to your room at any point during the day.

Arriving at the Venue


Upon arrival at the castle gates, you will be taken down the great driveway to the heart of the castle grounds, where you will join everyone in the courtyard.

Shortly before 11am we foresee everyone heading inside the Great Hall to be seated for our ceremony, whilst meeting Will and Best Man Barry, as you enter through the big wooden doors!

The Castle
Castle Courtyard – High Res

The Ceremony


We have chosen a non-religious civil ceremony which will start at 11am. The service will not be lengthy providing Suzie gets ready in time!

We have hired professional photographers to capture our special day, and would love you all to capture your own snaps but our wish is that we have an ‘unplugged’ ceremony; meaning we would like you to refrain from taking videos or photos during this part of the day.

We would like you to enjoy this intimate moment with us and we promise to share with you all the photos and videos afterwards!



Canapes & Confetti


Now the real party starts and the celebrations can begin!

As we leave the Great Hall and Courtyard, guests can collect some confetti for throwing as the new Mr & Mrs Wheeler come through the drawbridge.

We will make our way up to the Italian Gardens for some drinks and canapés and the all important group photos!

Please note any preferences when you do your RSVP as the caterers will certainly be flexible to you and your needs.


Photos & Exploring


Photos will be all arranged in advance and coordinated for you, so please expected to be grabbed for pictures during this time as there will loads to get through!

The bar will also be opened at this point and you are free to explore the grounds and enjoy the venue.


Wedding Breakfast


We are hoping to greet you all back into the Great Hall for the wedding breakfast, with an aim for everyone to be seated for 2:30pm.

There will be a 3 course meal with tea & coffee, including table wine for everyone. We are hoping to be able to offer you meal choices (still confirming with the caterers!) and will contact you via email when these are available to select.

Again, please ensure you let us know about any dietary requirements in your RSVP so that we can ensure the caterers are equipped to serve you appropriate dishes.

The meal will be broken up with the traditional speeches from the Father of the Bride, Best Man/Father of the Groom, Maid of Honour and the Groom.

After this we will transition into the evening reception where other family and friends will join to celebrate with us!