
The wedding of Suzie & Will

It gives us absolute pleasure to invite you to join us to celebrate our special day on 12th August 2022 at Allington Castle, Kent.



Message from Us

From the beginning of our relationship, we have always placed high emphasis on our family & friends. We hope our wedding will bring everyone we cherish most together, to celebrate our future & the great adventures that lie ahead of us.

Our aim is that you enjoy our day to the full & have everything you need, in advance, to help you feel at ease about the flow of events. We have developed this bespoke website for you all to see exactly what we have planned (so far!) & to ensure you can enjoy the whole experience as much as us.

All our of love

Will & Suzie

All about us!

We met online back in 2016 and for those of you who haven’t heard the story…

Our paths crossed in 2016 on an ‘online dating app’, after WIll had fuelled himself with alcohol and challenged Suzie to the great debate; whether Coca Cola or Pepsi Max was better.

Suzie was instantly compelled to defend her love of Pepsi and after a few weeks of talking virtually, we decided to go ‘on a date’ to the pub for a drink.

Will arrived in his little Fiat 500, dressed to impress and the night was a great success; we hit it off like a house on fire!


España the land of love

Will jetted off on a pre-booked holiday to Spain after ‘date’ number 2; Wetherspoons – classy, we know!

A couple of nights into the holiday, again after Will had fuelled himself with a large amount of alcohol, he invited Suzie to come and join him … (11pm)

By 5am (within 6 hours!) Suzie was on a plane to Spain, having never been before and with very limited knowledge of what to expect, and arrived the following morning to meet a hungover Will at a random Spanish bus station!

We had the best week ever & Suzie was introduced to some surprised parents at 3am when they came to collect their son from the airport!



Building our Home

After our great adventure, we continued to spend time with each other & moved into our first flat together in July 2017.

Since then, we have moved twice and bought a house together, have raised many fish (RIP Neil), 3 wonderful Maine Coon cats (Miska, Gandalf & Floki), and most recently our Saint Bernard, Wilson.

As a couple, we have got stronger and stronger and Will (finally!) got down on one knee & popped the question in the morning of Christmas Day, 2020!
